Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 1

  1. The book I choose for this project is, The Newman's Own Organics Guide to a Good Life:  Simple Measures That Benefit You and the Place you Live.
  2. This book is about being environmentally conscious without living in an organic hemp tepee.  It gives realistic advice on buying and eating organic, clean power, finding local products, recycling, and more.  
  3. I selected this book because I am a big fan of the Newman's Own products.  Their organic salad dressings are the best! 
  1. The book has 180 page total.  I will divide it evenly into 45 pages for each quarter.  


  1. I'm looking forward to hearing about what you read. We've talked a lot about eating food that is locally grown but what do you do during the Winter when the farmer's market isn't open? I'm also interested in how much more expensive, if it is at all, to buy locally.

  2. Sounds like a interesting book. My mom also buys their organic salad dressing, but I have never tried it because I guess I have been afraid and I just stick to ranch but I will have to give it a shot next time I am home.
