Thursday, November 17, 2011

Share & Voice: Ask a Question

This weeks Share & Voice was inspired by our first true snow fall, and the current lack of food I have in our refrigerator.  When attempting to make myself dinner tonight, I asked myself, “What I am going to eat all winter?”  I am relatively new to the healthy eating/healthy living concept, as I didn’t put any thought into my diet until I took a human nutrition course my freshman year of college.  With the start of my sophomore year, I decided to change my diet and become healthier.  My meals were based around fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  Later on in the year, I became a vegetarian and was presented with information on organic foods.  Our Environmental Health class has inspired me to go as organic as my minimal budget will allow, so this is the first winter where I won’t have as many alternatives to the fresh produce I normally eat.  So, now I ask you readers the same question I ask myself. “What am I going to eat all winter?” Do the health benefits of eating fresh organic produce outweigh the environmental costs of shipping foods cross-country?  I am very uncertain of how to answer this question, so I am looking forward to reading all of your comments! 


  1. Those are really good questions! I'm looking forward to hearing any answers to those questions too! :) Is there a way to find out where the produce comes from at your store? Might some be grown in hoop houses or other green house methods of growing up north here extending the seasons? That way, you may be able to eat more local organic than you think. Not sure, but maybe?? For instance, Bay Produce tomatoes... sold at Cub, Whole Foods Co-op, and I think many more, are grown in Superior WI. They are local. NOT sure if they are organic. But, hydroponics allows them to grow all year in doors.

    I know you can get answers to some of these questions at the Co-op. Someone at other stores should be able to give you some tips as well.

    If you do find answers, please post them. I'll add if I also find more ideas.

  2. Thanks for the input! I do buy Bay Produce tomatoes and peppers which I enjoy.

  3. Well, now you have me thinking too. I think you proposed a great question, one that I don't think I have the answer to. One thing is to buy what is in season, which I am sure you know and do. Here is a link that I found that may help you.

    I also agree with Judy that maybe asking a place like Whole Foods if they have information that could help or point you in the 'right' direction.
