Monday, December 19, 2011

Reflection: Weeks 8-14

Looking back on the second half of this class, many interesting topics have been covered.  It began with a documentary on water rights.  I loved learning about this topic and hope to spread my new knowledge to others.  The documentary made me realize how water bottle companies are basically stealing water from towns near water sources, and unlike tap water, companies are not forced to perform any amount of testing and filtration on their product.  So long story short, buying a bottle of water means you are:  Supporting greedy companies that steal water, drinking from cancer causing plastic, paying for tap water rather than drinking free water, increasing the demand for disposable water bottles which means creating more pollution, more waste in landfills, and an increase in disease and cancer among factory workers who make the water bottles, and disease.  For these reasons, I pledge to avoid purchasing water bottles.  Instead I will bring water from home in a bpa free reusable water bottle.  

Another topic that I had never heard of prior to this class is junking.  Junking means to take something old and repurpose it. What does this have to to with the environment? Well, it decreases the demand of "stuff" that factories and companies make.  Old objects have already made their eco-logical footprint on the world, unlike a new product that hasn't been created yet.  If more people use junked items instead of new items, there will be less pollution, less stuff in landfills, and less money and power given to corporate America.  Junking is a tremendous way to be creative and put your own personal spin on things.  Since learning about junking, I have a new appreciation for old items, and things I may have considered garbage in the past.  I have started to try to not buy as many new items and will first shop at Goodwill, thrift stores, and other places that resell items.  The Youtube video, "Story of Stuff" was really eye opening and has made me reconsider my shopping habits.  I now ask myself if I really need the things I put into the cart, and purchase more quality items rather than cheap and disposable.

Finally, I learned all about advocacy.  I never considered writing to persons of power before the second half of this class.  Now I have the skills, resources, and practice to make a difference.  

This is a picture of my junking project.  It is a TV tray that used to belong to my Great Aunt.  I found it in my parents basement, cleaned it up, fixed the stand, and it is now used as a nightstand.  

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Share and Voice: Organic Farming

This weeks Share and Voice is highlighting the Pinederosa Produce farm.  I strongly believe in supporting organic farmers, and I think the work they do is amazing! This farm raises a variety of animals including cows, chickens, goats, turkeys, lamb, and pigs.  In the spring, their garden includes:  Apples, asparagus, beans, blackberries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, garlic, grapes, lettuce, herbs, kohlrabi, melons, onions, pears, plums, potatoes, pumpkins, raspberries, rhubarb, squash, strawberries, sweet corn, sweet peas, and tomatoes.  They also tap trees to make maple syrup.

So as you can see, this is a pretty incredible farm.  I purchased their fresh produce all summer at the farmers market, and my family recently purchased 1/4 of a cow.  Their moto is, "No walls, no quotas, no drugs, no bottom-line paranoia.  Just good food raised in a natural way."

Check out their website to see some more of their pictures and get more information!


All images from

Monday, December 12, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to Senator

December 12, 2011

Senator Amy Klobuchar
U.S. Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Vote Yes on Safe Treatment of Polluted Stormwater Runoff Act, or STOPS Runoff Act

Each year, billions of pounds of toxic emissions are released into the environment.  These toxins pollute our land, water, and air, which can make people extremely ill.  The STOPS Runoff Act will have a big impact on preventing stormwater runoff from contaminating our land and water.  As a health specialist and advocate, I believe that any pollution reduction possible will benefit the health of people and our planet.  
This Act will help keep the water that we drink, that our plants and animals consume, and that we use for everyday purposes remains safe for human use.  Currently, 27,000 gallons of stormwater runoff from a one-acre parking lot occurs after one inch of rain.   When tested, there were 23 types of pesticides found in Puget Sound during a rainstorm.  Without this Act, stormwater runoff will continue to collect sediments, bacteria and pathogens, debris, and hazardous waste, and deposit them into water.  

While some people may argue that stormwater runoff is a natural occurrence that has been happening for millions of years, it is essential that everyone realizes runoff is hazardous to the planet and human health.  Stormwater runoff is a natural occurrence, but with the expansion of the human lifestyle came unnatural pollutants.  Parking lots, sports fields, gravel lots, rooftops, the expansion of farming, and pesticides are some of the human creations that have turned stormwater runoff into a toxic pollutant.  To decrease the amount of runoff polluting our water, I suggest you pass the STOPS Runoff Act.  This Act was created to reduce polluted stormwater runoff from federally funded highways and road projects with green infrastructure and natural landscaping.  
In a time when it is critical for people everywhere to live more eco-friendly, I appreciate your support on sustainability issues.  I hope that you understand the potential benefits of passing the STOPS Runoff Act, and would be glad to answer any further questions on the matter.  


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Share & Voice: Website

For this weeks Share & Voice, I have decided to write about this website.

Gaiam (pronounced guy-um) is the combination of "Gaia," mother Earth in ancient Greek, and "I am." The Minoan civilization (early Greek inhabitants) valued the concept of Gaia which believes that the Earth is directly connected to existence and daily life, and is a living entity that must be respected and protected.

Gaiam was founded in Colorado in 1988 by Jirka Rysavy, and provides products to customers who value the environment,  healthy lifestyles, and alternative healthcare and personal development. They offer a large variety of products including: Bed & Bath, furniture, decor, clothing, yoga materials, fitness DVDs, cleaning products, and healthy & beauty products.

I had ordered some Yoga DVDs from this company a few years ago, but I had no idea they offered this wide of variety!

These were some of the items that I liked.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

Facts Sheet about Toxic Emissions

What are toxic emissions?
Toxic emissions are agents that pollute land, water, and air.  

What are air pollutants?
Examples of air pollutants are benzene, perchloroethylene, methylene chloride, dioxin, asbestos, toluene, cadmium, mercury, chromium, and lead compounds.  

What are water pollutants?
  • Fertilizers, herbicides, and insecticides from agriculture and residential areas
  • Oil, grease, and toxic chemicals from urban runoff and energy production
  • Sediments from construction sites, crop and forest lands, and erosion
  • Salt from irrigation, mines, acid drainage, and roads
  • Bacteria and nutrients from livestock, pet wastes, and septic systems
  • Atmospheric deposition and hydromodification

What is polluting our land?
In 2010, Americans generated about 250 million tons of trash.  Only 85 million tons of this material was recycled or composted.  This means 165 million tons of garbage was added to landfills across the country.  

How are people exposed to toxins?
  • Breathing contaminated air
  • Eating contaminated food products, such as fish from contaminated waters; meat, milk, or eggs, from animals fed on contaminated plants; and fruits and vegetables grown in contaminated soils.
  • Drinking water contaminated by pollutants
  • Ingesting contaminated soil (usually found in young children)
  • Touching contaminated soil, dust, or water

How many toxins are released into the environment?

According to the TRI (Toxics Release Inventory), in 2009 there were 3.37 billion pounds of toxins measured on air, water, land, and underground injection. 

All information found

Monday, November 28, 2011

Eye Opener: Photo Essay

A Daily Use of Household Chemicals and Toxins
A few the chemicals present : Sodium Hydroxide, Benzoic Acid, Sulisobenzone, Polyquaternium, Sodium Laureth Sulfate
A few of the chemical present: Cyclopentasiloxane, Trihydroxystearin, Methylparaben

A few of the chemicals present: Castor oil, Aluminum zirconium,  Copolymer, Biotin
Ingredient information found on

Chemicals in Vectra 3d (a common flee and tick treatment for dogs): Dinotefuran, Pyriproxyfen, and Permethrin.

Because companies do not label pesticides and GMO's on packaging, consumers do not know what they are buying.

These foods are filled with hydrogenated oils.

Cleaning products can cause respiratory irritation chemical burns, and contain highly toxic materials

A few of the chemicals found in laundry products:  Phosphates, Sodium tripolyph-osphate.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Advocacy project: Understanding the Issue

What is the issue/problem?- 3.9 billion pounds of toxic pollutants were released into the environment in 2008. 

What current legislation has been proposed to address this?- STOPS runoff act

Who is affected the most by this issue?- Texas, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida rank the highest for air and water releases of carcinogens.  Tennessee, Texas, and Illinois have the highest ranking for developmental problems and reproductive disorders caused by air and water emissions.  Highest rates for neurotoxicants are found in Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Louisiana, and Ohio.  Ohio, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Pennsylvania ranked the highest for respiratory toxicants.  The four counties in Texas with the highest carcinogenic emissions are Harris, Jefferson, Galveston, and Brazoria.   Nevada, Alaska, and Utah ranked highest for land releases of carcinogens.  Workers from all companies emitting pollutants who are exposed earning a living.  The chemical and electric industries who release the most dioxins. The mining industry who releases the most toxic pollution to land.

Who loses, and what do they lose?-  Corporations continue to emit their pollutants rather than attempting to come up with a healthy solution.

Who gains, and what do they gain?- All of these people lose the right to good health because the land they thrive on, the water they drink, and the air they breathe is contaminated.  Thriving on toxic land, water, and air contaminates animals.  Humans who eat the contaminated animals and animal products consume the animal’s toxins.  Therefore, animals lose their right to health and consumers lose their right to quality products.  

For the individuals mostly affected?- Increased disease rates, cancer rates, reproductive troubles.  Must make the most lifestyle changes.

For their families of affected individuals?- Increased risk for contamination from same source family member encountered toxin.  Must deal with family members illness.

For society?- Toxic emissions lead to global warming.  Community members suffer when others are ill. 

What are the economic costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?- Automobile companies who need to create more fuel-efficient cars according to the CAFÉ standards.  Factories and businesses will spend money creating more efficient ways of creating products and changing their ways.  Eco-friendly products and supplies, such as organic foods for a restaurant, can cost more than conventional products.  (Austin & Dinan, 2005.) Businesses loose money when SMOG levels are too dangerous to spend time outside.  

What are the economic benefits of the issue, and who benefits?- According to the State of California Department of Justice, the report for reducing emission estimated reducing would require only 1.5% of the real investment expected in the U.S. economy from 2009 to 2030.  This cost effective reduction is possible because 40% of the avoided emissions would result in negative cost - meaning that overall they do not cost money, but end up saving money. By switching to more sustainable products, companies will save money in the long run.  An example of this is for companies to use LED or CFLs instead of traditional lighting (2011).  

What are the social costs of the issue, and who bears these costs?- Society will need to learn to not rely so heavily on fossil fuels.  Companies will need to work more closely and communicate with other people, states, and countries to decrease all toxic emissions.  There will be an increased dependence on health care system and care facilities with the rise in illnesses.  More children born with disabilities and impairments may require special education from schools that have limited space and budget for rapidly growing special education classrooms.  Those of a low SES continue to suffer more than those of a higher SES (Rubin 2007)

What are the social benefits of the issue, and who benefits?- By decreasing the amount of toxic emissions, everyone will benefit eventually.  If companies become more environmentally friendly, they will make money in the long run like previously mentioned above.  People, especially those living in highly polluted states, will become healthier, and places will become more livable.  

What are the barriers to addressing this issue?- One of the main barriers of this issue is change.  Changing ways, attitudes, behaviors, machinery equipment, etc., is difficult and takes much effort.  Companies may be concerned about the cost of attempting to reduce emissions, rather than thinking about their future savings.  Green Marketing and being environmentally friendly is relatively new, so it is still considered against the social norm.  

How can the barriers be overcome?- To overcome, companies need to think about the people, animals, and future generations they are poisoning by emitting toxic pollutants and take action.  Companies should decrease emissions without a law forcing them to improve for the health benefits of the planet and its inhabitants.  The Summary of Environmental Law Handbook suggests review of every major regulation applicable to an industry, making pollution prevention a part of normal industrial activity, easier collection of environmental information and greater public access, flexibility for motivated companies in achieving environmental protection, improvement of permit process, and incentives for developing better technology

What resources will we need to address this issue?- New, more efficient facilities to replace old equipment no longer fit to do its’ job.  Other Green technologies such as LED lights, solar panels, and plastics that are made from plants versus petroleum. 

Where and how can they be tapped?- Decreasing dependence on fossil fuels, and following the guidelines on the EPA website.

What is the history of the issue in the community?- According to the EPA, since the 1970 creation of the Clean Air Act, production of most ozone-depleting chemicals has ceased, while at the same time, the U.S. gross domestic product has tripled, the energy consumption has increased by 50%, and vehicle use has increased by almost 200%.  In 1990 the Clean Air Act was revised to reduce air pollution nationwide, and was again revised in 2010.  The Clean Water Act was created in 1972, and pollution became a concern.

What past efforts were made to address it?- Besides the Clean Water Act, and the Clean Air Act, the EPA has attempted to put regulations in place to protect water, air, and land. 

What were the results?- According to the EPA: Since 1970, six commonly found air pollutants have decreased by more than 50%, air toxins from large industrial sources, such as chemical plants, petroleum refineries, and paper mills have been reduced by nearly 70%, and new cars are more than 90% cleaner.  

Who would support this issue?- Allies may include newer businesses that are more environmentally conscious, people affected by pollution, people who tend to vote liberal, and the EPA.

Who would oppose this issue?- Major corporations, industries such as auto manufacturing, computers and electronics, iron and steel, metal plating, and oil refining and printing.  People who tend to vote conservatively, oil companies. 

How can you involve allies and opponents in advocacy efforts?- To involve the EPA, a focus could be placed their four main focuses: Environmental Protection Agency, Measuring Our Nation’s Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability, Environmental Protection, and Environmental Indicators.  To involve the opponents, emphasize the amount of money they will save.  Tax breaks and other incentives could also be used.  

How do you want policy-makers to vote on this proposed policy? Policy-makers should vote yes on any policy that will positively impact the environment, including the policy listed above.  

Journal article used:

Austin, D., & Dinan, T. (2005). Clearing the air: The costs and consequences of higher
CAFE standards and increased gasoline taxes. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 50, 562-582. doi:10.1016/j.jeem.2005.05.001

All sources are linked

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Share & Voice: Ask a Question

This weeks Share & Voice was inspired by our first true snow fall, and the current lack of food I have in our refrigerator.  When attempting to make myself dinner tonight, I asked myself, “What I am going to eat all winter?”  I am relatively new to the healthy eating/healthy living concept, as I didn’t put any thought into my diet until I took a human nutrition course my freshman year of college.  With the start of my sophomore year, I decided to change my diet and become healthier.  My meals were based around fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.  Later on in the year, I became a vegetarian and was presented with information on organic foods.  Our Environmental Health class has inspired me to go as organic as my minimal budget will allow, so this is the first winter where I won’t have as many alternatives to the fresh produce I normally eat.  So, now I ask you readers the same question I ask myself. “What am I going to eat all winter?” Do the health benefits of eating fresh organic produce outweigh the environmental costs of shipping foods cross-country?  I am very uncertain of how to answer this question, so I am looking forward to reading all of your comments! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Advocacy Project: Healthy People/THOMAS

Baseline- 3.9 billion pounds of toxic pollutants were released in to the environment in 2008. 

Target- 3.5 billion pounds

Title- to direct the Secretary to establish a comprehensive design standard program to prevent, control, and treat polluted stormwater runoff from federally funded highways and roads, and for other purposes.  

Short Title- Safe Treatment of Polluted Stormwater Runoff Act, or STOPS Runoff Act

Sponsor- Sen. Benjamin Cardin
Introduced- 5/5/2011

Last Major Action- 5/5//2011, referred to Senate committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works.

Political Representatives- Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken

Recommendation- Vote Yes on EH-11 Reduce the amount of toxic pollutants released into the environment 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Share and Voice: An environmentally friendly project/program

If you have ever been to the Eco-building at the Minnesota State Fair you might recognize the project I have chosen to blog about.  It was there that I was introduced to the U of M's Center for Sustainable Polymers program.  Launched in 2009, CSP focuses its research on creating plastics from renewable, natural, and sustainable resources instead of fossil fuels.  Materials researchers work with include vegetable oils, starches, sugars, and terpenes.  They are also very concerned with renewability, functionality, degradability, and toxicity of ingredients used and studied.  Not only has U of M performed cutting edge research, they also focus on partnering with industries and educating students and the public.  A few of the 24 companies that have been recruited are 3M, Dow, Cagill, and H.B. Fuller.  I admire U of M's goal to be eco-friendly and love the work they have done.  When sustainable polymers become more widely studied and used, we will have less garbage for landfills and more compostable material.

Some of the trade names of different sustainable and partially sustainable polymers are: Ingeo, Mirel, BiOH, Mater-Bi, Sorona, NatureWax.



Here is a video if you are interested and want more information.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Advocacy Project: Political representation

President- Barack Obama
-Contact information-

Senate- Amy Klobuchar
-Phone- 202-228-2186

Senate- Al Franken

House- Chip Cravaack 
-Contact information-
Address- Cravaack for Congress Campaign Committee
P.O. Box 951
North Branch, MN 55056-095                                                                                                                                                                        -Phone- 651-317-9245                                                                                                                                                                                     -Website-
House- Kerry Gauthier
- Contact information- 
2127 W. Second St., Duluth, MN 55806
-Phone- 218-393-4037

Senate- Roger Reinert
 Lake Superior College 2101 Trinity Road 55811                                                                                            - -Phone- 218-733-2037

Governor- Mark Dayton
Office of the Governor
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155 

-Phone- 651-201-3400

Mayor- Don Ness
Office of the Governor 
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155 
- Phone- 218-730-5230

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Reflection: Week 1-7

      The last seven and a half weeks has presented me with an immense amount of new and useful information.  I have learned so much about myself and what I am passionate about, it seems impossible for so much to have happened in this short amount of time.  The environmental topics we have discussed so far are ecological footprints, issues with foods such as GMO's, pesticides, and unsustainable farming techniques, toxic chemicals in our everyday products, living more organically, and water usage.  I care deeply about the environment, so some of these topics were really eye opening.  I have been inspired to make changes in my life to become more eco-friendly, and so far I am pleased with the outcome.  I became a vegetarian about nine months ago after watching the movie Food Inc.  Personally, I am much happier now knowing that I part of the solution and not the problem.  I have also switched to as many organic foods as I can afford on my very minimal budget.  This task has been more difficult, but to aid the change I have cut out almost all of the processed I used to buy.  I have also found that the less processed foods I buy, the less garbage I create.  I hope to someday take these changes further when I have a steady income for support.  After learning all about the dangers of plastic waters bottles, I will now advocate for BPA free reusable bottles more than I previously did.  I see no reason why anybody should be purchasing bottled water in this country under normal circumstances.  

      I have also learned about blogging.  Although it has not impacted my life as significantly as the environmental portion of the class has.  I will admit that when it comes to technology, my skill level comes up short.  It has been nice to learn more about tools I will possibly use in the future.  

Monday, October 31, 2011

Eye Opener: Junk on the Brain

Antiquing- going out and shopping or looking for antiques in a variety of locations.  Antiques can be found in many different locations such as estate sales, garage sales, special shops, and flea markets. Many people enjoy the thrill of seeking out valuable objects and restoring them. 
Junking- The art of searching or shopping for bargains, anitques, collectibles, or any concievable kind of dust collector or garbage.
flea market- A flea market or swap meet is a type of bazaar where inexpensive or secondhand goods are sold or bartered. 

Thrift store- A shop that sells used articles, especially clothing, as to benefit a charitable organization.
Upcycling-Upcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value.
resale shops- all shops that sell gently-used goods 

1 These terms above all describe environmentally friendly alternatives to buying new products.  By purchasing items that have already left their ecological footprint, the demand for new products to be created will decrease. 

2 antiques- Antiques Off Broadway Mall, 103 Avenue C Cloquet, MN. 218-879-5284, 
   junking- Guilded Salvage Antiques. 4430 Lyndale Avenue North. 612-789-1680
   Flea market- Post Road Flea Market, Hwy 5 Minneapolis.
   Thrift store-  Ragstock  Superior Street. 218-722-1201
   Resale shop- Plato's Closet.  5115 Burning Tree Road Suite 315C Duluth, MN 55811

3.  I occasionally shop at thrift stores and resale shops.  They usually have good products that are much cheaper.  I also do a bit of Upcycling.  If there is a possibility I could reuse something at a later date, I will keep it.  Because I have limited living space, and no house of my own, I don't do much antiquing, junking, or flea market shopping.  When I do purchase my own house someday I hope to mainly decorate with previously owned items.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 5

     1.  The chapters covered for my final Read 'n' Seed were pet care, cleaning and household pests, and gardening.  

     2.  The main theme of the pet care chapter was to introduce the idea of holistic veterinarians and feeding pets healthy food.  The concept behind the cleaning and pest chapter was to  propose the idea of more using natural and less harmful chemicals.  This idea flowed into the gardening chapter by suggesting organic gardening.  

     3.  Out of all the chapters in the book, these three were my favorites, and are slightly more relevant to my life.  After reading the pet chapter, I would love to start feeding my dog more natural foods.  One quote from the book I appreciated was, " our pets reflect our own health in these inorganic times.  A hundred years ago a dog that lived on a farm would have eaten table scraps and supplemented by whatever it caught in nature.  Because the food was wholesome, both thrived."  Nowadays animal food is created from every part of (bones, feathers organs, etc.) diseased, disabled, and dying livestock unfit for human consumption, full of pesticides, and may contain barbiturates used for euthanasia of the animals the food includes.  Because my dog lives at home and not with me during the school year, I don't have control over the food she is given.  When I am home, I decrease the amount of dog food she gets, and supplement with healthier options.  For more information check out these two links for facts on dog and cat diets. WebMD and Huffington Post 
      In the Cleaning and Pests chapter, I learned about a ton of alternatives to harmful chemicals that are found in many household cleaners.  An interesting fact I learned is that when you drop your clothes off at a dry cleaners, your clothes are being doused with a chemical called perchloroethylene that is linked to liver cancer.  I also learned that EPA testing is not as through as many people believe it is.  The book reports that many of most of the millions of pounds of chemicals produced are never tested to determine toxicity.  There are six tests needed to determine a chemical toxicity level.  93% of these lack at least one test and 43% lack all of the tests.  This statistic alone is enough for me to go home and properly dispose of all chemicals I own.  Seventh Generation, Ecover, Bio-Kleen, Orange-Glo, Citra-Solv, and Bon Ami, offer safer products.  To make your own cleaning products, this website offers great solutions: Networx.  This site offers tips for chemical free pest control: Greenliving       
      I really enjoyed reading the gardening chapter.  I built my first garden box four years ago, and loved reading the books helpful tips for organic gardening.  Making your own compost is an excellent fertilizer and sends less food to the landfill.  Instead of spraying chemicals, dip your hand in soapy water to get ride of aphids, drown slugs in small dishes of beer, and sprinkle cayenne pepper around beds to keep neighborhood animals out.  I found more some information on      

     4.  These chapters could have an enormous effect on society.  If more pet lovers knew about what they were feeding their animals and decided to make a change, pet food manufacturers wouldn't be able to continue in the state they run now.  Someday when I am able to have my own dog, I refuse to feed it conventional dog food.  Getting people to stop using toxic cleaning products, pest control chemicals, and pesticides in their garden, would be a difficult task.  Our society has learned to trust brand names and are now dependent on them.  Personally, I use the website provided earlier to make my own cleaning products.  It is cheaper, smells better, and works equally as well as a name brand cleaner.  I also use organic fertilizer and compost in my garden.  If everyone who gardens were to use natural products they would save money.  Healthy soil needs less maintenance and yields more produce than a chemically dependent garden.  

     5.  I loved this book, and I learned a lot of valuable information from it.  

     6.  To pick just three significant facts from it was a difficult task.  The first fact I learned was from the food chapter.  I had never heard of fair trade coffee  and chocolate and was unaware of the exploitation that goes into growing the beans.  Now I will only consume fair trade coffee and chocolate.  The second item I was educated about was the Hypercar.  I wrote about the Hypercar in a previous post, and am still fascinated with the idea of it.  Finally, I attained more information about composting.  I feel this whole book contains valuable information for making your life better, bettering the world you live in, and bettering the lives of those you do not know who pay the price for your decisions. 

     7.  I would recommend this book to anyone.  It is easy enough for many reading levels to understand, and has attainable tips for a greener and healthier life.  

Monday, October 24, 2011

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I typed all of my cosmetics into this database to find out how toxic each was.  The product I chose to write about was my Cover Girl mascara.  I was happy to see that one of my favorite cosmetics was scored at a four and not higher, but it  still worries me a little.  It has a higher risk of cancer than many of the other products I looked at.  It says there is a high risk of endocrine disruption, persistence and bioaccumulation, and organ system toxicity.  It's scares me to think that I use something everyday that raises my chance of getting cancer.  The next time I go shopping for makeup or other beauty products, I will search them out on this website to find items with low risk.  This website is a great resource and I will be sharing it with friends and family!