Monday, October 24, 2011

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I typed all of my cosmetics into this database to find out how toxic each was.  The product I chose to write about was my Cover Girl mascara.  I was happy to see that one of my favorite cosmetics was scored at a four and not higher, but it  still worries me a little.  It has a higher risk of cancer than many of the other products I looked at.  It says there is a high risk of endocrine disruption, persistence and bioaccumulation, and organ system toxicity.  It's scares me to think that I use something everyday that raises my chance of getting cancer.  The next time I go shopping for makeup or other beauty products, I will search them out on this website to find items with low risk.  This website is a great resource and I will be sharing it with friends and family!


  1. I also checked out my mascara. I use L'Oreal and it had a score of 5! I think it is definitely time to investigate a healthier option.

  2. There are some mascaras that are available in the cosmetic section at Whole Foods.

    Also, here is a little anecdote. My younger sister went into the marine corps and she talked to me how the girls were not allowed to have makeup for the three months of basic training. She said that not wearing mascara for a whole three months made all the girls in her platoon notice that they had longer lashes. After she said that, I have been less and less mascara and have definitely noticed thicker, longer lashes.
