Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Read 'n' Seed 4

  1. This weeks chapters were Money, Credit, and Investing, & Shopping
  2. The main subject from the first chapter was investing money wisely.  The second chapter was thinking globally, acting locally.  
  3. Because I am a poor college student, the money and investing chapter was more of a guide for the distant future. The book shared that if you are going to invest in the stock market, you should pay attention to factors such as if the company uses animal testing, cares about global warming, and condones child labor.  Your investments do make a difference, and it will be beneficial to invest in a quality company even if the investor cannot see direct effects.  The shopping chapter provided a great amount of insight.  The book explained the negative effects chain stores have, and briefly discusses clothing, toys, and cosmetics.  One disturbing fact I learned was that cotton is grown on 3 to 5 percent of the world's land and is sprayed with 25 percent of the world's pesticides.  One company that refuses to follow this is Maggie's Organics.  Bena Burda, Maggie's Organics president, is proud that their company doesn't exploit workers, gives to charity, promote quality of life in developing nations, and be environmentally sustainable.  As for toys and cosmetics, there is an extensive list of dangerous chemicals found in both.  Toys that are PVC-free should be purchased to avoid the chemical phthalates.  Companies that manufacture cosmetics, hair care products, toothpaste, lotions, etc., are allowed to use chemicals such as DEA, TEA, bronopol, padmate-O, ethoxylated alchohols, formaldehyde, and many other chemicals that are believed to cause cancer. For more information about these chemicals check out the Natural Skincare Authority
  4. Whether we as American consumers see the damages of purchasing cheap items from a chain store, or choose to ignore it because it isn't in our town, someone's life is being affected.  Buying products from locally owned stores, purchasing objects from garage sales or thrift stores, pay a few dollars more for a natural product, investing in companies who care about their workers and the earth, and voting with your dollar, could make someones life better.   


  1. I agree with you that since we are college students, we don't do a lot of investing because we don't have a lot of money to invest but those tips would be very helpful in our future.
    I also love garage sales and I didn't know how much of an impact it can make.

  2. I like that you mentioned how important it is to investigate into if a company is environmentally friendly before investing in them. What a great way to vote with our dollar.
